12 Months to Bliss

Hello Lovelies ❤

Thank you so much in advance for reading my first ever blog post on Koversations with Karissa!

I am so excited to launch this new blog because it’s still early in the year and I’m determined to make 2016 my most memorable and wonderful year yet!

One of my New Years Resolutions this year (I am big on those) was to try and read one book per week.

A couple of weeks ago I finished The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin which inspired me to do my own Happiness Project this year to guide me into making this the best year of my life so far.

black and white selfie

the happiness project

darling what if you fly

I’m doing it slightly different than the author and instead of calling it The Happiness Project, I’m calling it 12 Months to Bliss, to make it a little more personal to myself…

The themes of the year for me are Pleasure and Self Discipline, so I’m making sure that these practices are incorporated every day.

In the book, the author gives herself a set of “10 Commandments” to live by every day in order to fulfill her project.

I have 12 of them, and I call them my 12 Themes to Live By.

  1. Be Karissa (Accept Yourself)
  2. Be Sweet, Respond with Kindness Always
  3. Remember: Cool, Calm, and Collected
  4. Incorporate Pleasure
  5. Smile and Laugh as often as possible
  6. Always, Always, ALWAYS look your best
  7. Have No Expectations
  8. Prioritize Health and Beauty
  9. Be Willing to Pay for Quality
  10. Solution before Stress
  11. Practice Patience
  12. Act How You Want to Feel because “You are what you pretend to be. “

My resolution for March is to Establish and Build Habits. Here are the things I vowed to do every day:

  • Morning Pages
  • Use my Planner
  • Gym, Yoga, or Walk Outside
  • Gratitude Journal
  • Read for 30 minutes
  • Clean/Organize for 30 minutes
  • Floss
  • Color/Decorate for 30 minutes
  • Write for 30 minutes
  • Log Water Intake
  • Post 2 Instagram Photos (One from the day and one Mantra)

One realization I have had through the 8 days of living these habits is that they are not all going to happen every single day. That doesn’t mean I give up on my project or start to slack off because I didn’t do something the day prior.

It simply means that life happens and not everything goes as planned. The most important thing is that I follow through with my March goal to “establish and build habits”. 

The key to making major life changes and improving yourself is to make small changes every day. So far, I am thrilled with how consistent I have been and I honestly cannot wait to see how far I have come at the end of the month.

Stay tuned for updates and my resolution for next month along with other things such as my monthly favorites and how I spend most of my days.

I can’t wait to start reading YOUR blogs and to get to know new people from around the world. Please let me know of any bloggers you recommend or if you would like me to follow your page. I would ❤ to!

Until next time!










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